Battlefield 3 continua a série de tiro em primeira pessoa. Na parte nova dos jogadores multiplayer e modos cooperativos, um enredo original, quatro classes de personagens, cheios de ambiente destrutível e sons realistas. Durante o jogo, vai visitar Teerã, Paris, Nova York, e Sulaymaniyah.
Estritamente de acordo com a tradição, como o núcleo de Battlefield 3 são os mesmos em todas as batalhas multijogador amado, projetado para 64 jogadores (só no PC!) E decorado com várias técnicas, incluindo jatos e tanques pesados. Em segundo lugar ficou a campanha single player, onde nos foi dado o papel de um soldado de infantaria americana, e co-op a preferir trabalhar em uma equipe de lutadores.
Estritamente de acordo com a tradição, como o núcleo de Battlefield 3 são os mesmos em todas as batalhas multijogador amado, projetado para 64 jogadores (só no PC!) E decorado com várias técnicas, incluindo jatos e tanques pesados. Em segundo lugar ficou a campanha single player, onde nos foi dado o papel de um soldado de infantaria americana, e co-op a preferir trabalhar em uma equipe de lutadores.
Fabricante: Electronic Arts
Plataforma: PC
Estilo: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Lançamento: 2011
Ídiomas: Inglês
Formato: Exe
Tamanho: 3.25 Gb
Release: …
Crack e Serial: Waiting
Plataforma: PC
Estilo: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Lançamento: 2011
Ídiomas: Inglês
Formato: Exe
Tamanho: 3.25 Gb
Release: …
Crack e Serial: Waiting
### Megaupload ###
### Fileserve ###
### FileSonic ###
Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz
Video Card: Nvidia or AMD ATI 512 MB with support DirectX 10 or 11
Free hard drive space: 15 GB for the disk version and 10 GB for Digital
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz
Video Card: Nvidia or AMD ATI 512 MB with support DirectX 10 or 11
Free hard drive space: 15 GB for the disk version and 10 GB for Digital
Recommended system requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or equivalent AMD CPU 2.8 GHz
Memory: 4 GB
Video Card: Nvidia or AMD ATI 1GB with DirectX 11 support (GeForce GTX 460, Radeon HD 6850)
Free hard drive space: 15 GB for the disk version and 10 GB for Digital
Processor: Quad-core Intel or equivalent AMD CPU 2.8 GHz
Memory: 4 GB
Video Card: Nvidia or AMD ATI 1GB with DirectX 11 support (GeForce GTX 460, Radeon HD 6850)
Free hard drive space: 15 GB for the disk version and 10 GB for Digital
Dates: July 19 – August 1
Platform: PC
HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER (use any browser other than opera)
1) Site Alpha testing BF3 https://bf3alpha.battlefield.com/index.php?id=1
2) Login using your credentials for a user account EA
3) Accept the terms of use and confirm their participation
4) Get the code for loading
5) Download the game client, follow the instructions to download
6) Leave a comment and answer questions in our questionnaire on security forum
Dates: July 19 – August 1
Platform: PC
HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER (use any browser other than opera)
1) Site Alpha testing BF3 https://bf3alpha.battlefield.com/index.php?id=1
2) Login using your credentials for a user account EA
3) Accept the terms of use and confirm their participation
4) Get the code for loading
5) Download the game client, follow the instructions to download
6) Leave a comment and answer questions in our questionnaire on security forum
Where to install:
Simply unzip the archive to where my client will install the game ORIGIN by default C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Origin Games \ Battlefield 3 Alpha Trial, or C: \ Program Files \ Origin Games \ Battlefield 3 Alpha Trial
Esle not let on, saying you have no access, so no luck, but I still try different browsers
Esle not let on, saying you have no access, so no luck, but I still try different browsers
What should I do to get the key:
1.Zaregistrirovany on ea.com
2.Alfa version tested in the closed mode and players can get it is by invitation only. If you would like to invite you – make sure you subscribe to the newsletter, the first tick on top.
Link: https://www.ea.com/ru/profile/contact-preferences
1.Zaregistrirovany on ea.com
2.Alfa version tested in the closed mode and players can get it is by invitation only. If you would like to invite you – make sure you subscribe to the newsletter, the first tick on top.
Link: https://www.ea.com/ru/profile/contact-preferences
Quando sair o CRACK eu postarei Aqui 

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